Notre réseau CIC


Rejoindre le corps professoral de CIC

Pour être membre du réseau de professeurs de Cambridge International College , vous devez remplir les conditions suivantes :

  • Etre titulaire d’un Doctorat ou équivalent
  • Soumettez un Curriculum Vitae complet avec vos diplômes détaillés, y compris : Diplôme, spécialisation, école, année commencée et terminée et pays pour chacun de vos diplômes.
  • Envoyez vos coordonnées complètes et vos données personnelles, y compris : adresse postale, e-mail, date de naissance et photo d’identité.
  • Envoyer la demande à l’adresse suivante:

Staff Academique


Nos Lauréats

Nom completFaculté
RAHMOUNI ABDESLAMFaculty of Business and Media
KRIMI BENCHEQROUN MOHAMEDFaculty of Business and Media
EL MIMOUNI GHIZLENFaculty of Business and Media
Moutaraji  Fatima ZahraFaculty of Business and Media
El Idrissi IkramFaculty of Business and Media
Farooq SousanFaculty of Business and Media
Farooq HawaFaculty of Business and Media
Abounsr HamzaFaculty of Business and Media
Chamsi AminaFaculty of Business and Media
Ez-zahiri NazhaFaculty of Business and Media
LAGHNIMI DOAEFaculty of Business and Media
MOUSLIM IMANEFaculty of Business and Media
ZAHIRI GHIZLANEFaculty of Business and Media
EL GHAZI  IMANEFaculty of Business and Media
RAJI SARAFaculty of Business and Media
ELBADRAOUI OUMAIMAFaculty of Business and Media
GAOUJI FATIMA ZAHRAFaculty of Business and Media
HARBA  MERYEMFaculty of Business and Media
BITI SAMIFaculty of Business and Media
MORCHID HASSANFaculty of Business and Media
BELDI YASMINEFaculty of Business and Media
AZHARI YOUNESSFaculty of Arts and Human Sciences
BELAID KARIMFaculty of Arts and Human Sciences


Nom completFaculté
BIJAKHAN MOHAMEDFaculty of Arts and Human Sciences
ABOUZID ABDELLAHFaculty of Business and Media
MOUSTAKBIL ASMAAFaculty of Arts and Human Sciences
ZOUANI YASSIRFaculty of Business and Media
MAANAOUI  RIHABFaculty of Business and Media
KADIRI SALAH-EDDINEFaculty of Business and Media
HAFNAOUI YASSMINEFaculty of Business and Media
BELDI AYMANEFaculty of Business and Media
MAHIR ZAYNABFaculty of Business and Media
FAKIRI IKRAMFaculty of Business and Media
EL BAKAL MALAKFaculty of Business and Media
HAIMEUR HIBAFaculty of Business and Media
EL MESSKI HALIMAFaculty of Business and Media
EL AMRANI CHAIMAAFaculty of Business and Media
BELHADDAOUI KHADIJAFaculty of Business and Media
ABOUFARID ABDERRAHMANFaculty of Business and Media
MOUDEN WISSALFaculty of Business and Media
LAHLOU MERIEMFaculty of Business and Media
FARROUJ OUMAIMAFaculty of Business and Media
HAJJOUM SOUKAINAFaculty of Business and Media
SARRADI FATIMA EZZAHRAEFaculty of Business and Media
EL KHIRANI SAFAAFaculty of Business and Media


Staff administratif


Natalie Flores

Responsable administratif


Tiffany Murphy

Responsable financière